Winners – Edition 5

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The director invited a group of young people to work on the play, and together with actors and actresses from the Opole theatre they are looking for an answer to the question: who is Kordian today?
The mental health of young people in Poland has deteriorated significantly in recent years. The semicolon used in the play’s title is a worldwide sign for the fight against depression. It is meant to split a sentence at the point where it could end – which is why it has become a symbol of people who were close to committing suicide and yet did not.

CONCEPT AND DIRECTION: Patrycja Wysokińska
DRAMATURGY: Marianna Cieślak
SET DESIGN: Sebastian Siepietowski
COSTUME DESIGN: Sandra Stępień
CHOREOGRAPHY: Szymon Dobosik
MUSIC: Bartek Prosuł



Reżyserka zaprosiła do swojej pracy grupę młodych osób, które wspólnie z aktorami i aktorkami opolskiego teatru szukają odpowiedzi na pytanie, kim jest dziś Kordian, a także — czy romantyczni poeci mogą być punktem odniesienia dla współczesnych nastolatków?
Zastosowany w tytule spektaklu średnik jest ogólnoświatowym znakiem walki z depresją i pretekstem do mówienia o tej chorobie.

REŻYSERIA: Patrycja Wysokińska
DRAMATURGIA: Marianna Cieślak
SCENOGRAFIA: Sebastian Siepietowski
KOSTIUMY: Sandra Stępień
CHOREOGRAFIA: Szymon Dobosik
MUZYKA: Bartek Prosuł








Looking for a new platform to fulfil the statutory role of theatre, and also being aware of the challenging situation many (especially young) artists found themselves in, we created an open call for projects focusing on the theme “metamorphosis”. 

Due to the character of the competition and the lack of access to the theatre stage, we look for projects from such areas as video art, video performance, sound art, net art, VR, AR and other forms designed for online channels of communication. 

We’re looking for artists, that are ready to confront themselves, with many other disciplines of arts (visual, sound, classical music, performance, new drama, cinema, devised methods and many others) in order to find new perspective for theatre in general. We need young and open-minded makers, open for dialogue and critique, willing to broaden their (and ours) horizons, basing their work ethics on strong believe in constant renewal of creative methods. We need partners in crime against old habits, ingrained forms and slothful topics.

Norbert Rakowski

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